
Freitag, 31. August 2012

31st August 2012 - Evacutation training

This is going to be so much fun. I have this training session this morning just waiting for it to start. Haven't slept since 4:30am. Just woke up, when I turned around in bed and kicked one of cats by accident. Just heard a *plonk* noise. Possibly the reason my sleep was disturbed for the rest of the night.

Training starts now ...

Update 1, 10:00am : very interesting so far. I am lacking the medical vocabulary though. Never done that stuff in school. A colleague scared me to death though: just fainted right next to me.

Update 2, 12:30pm : yum. Having pizza and coleslaw for lunch. Will cook tonight at home. Thai Green Curry. Something special. Training went well so far. Going to use the new evacuation chair after lunch to see how it works.

Update 3, 1:45pm : Was sitting in this evacuation chair and ... It's scary. Had to close my eyes first. Reminded me of a rollercoaster. Never liked those. But it got better after some time. Was just damn scary at first.

Update 4, 7:45pm: Just made dinner and it actually tastes nice. Will put the recipe up here. Waiting on my two housemates to come home. It's actually some sort of celebration.

Update 5, 9:15pm : hehe, I keep doing this, update, update, update ... Dinner was lovely. Having a few jellies now and enjoy my evening.

Here is my piece of art! 

Last update for the day, I promise! I managed to upload a pdf-file by downloading Dropbox. I am given 2 GB of free Upload space - this way I can keep this area ad-free. Will take me some time to use that up anyway. I put the recipe together, in English and German,  a 2-page pdf. If you like to cook the above, please go to Downloads. If you find anything odd, don't hesitate to ask. Enjoy cooking!!!

Going to bed now *yawn*

Montag, 27. August 2012

27th August 2012 - Not a big fan of Mondays

I assume everyone feels the same about Mondays. Kinda hate them. Not feeling great today, a bit down.

Decided to take it easier after work. I am reading "Stupid White Men" again. Completely forgot how funny the book is. My housemate had it sitting on a shelve so I picked it up. Only started reading it on Saturday and I am well through half of it. To everyone who hasn't read it yet: please do! Despite the fact the list of state presidents/rulers is out of date. Quite funny to find Gerhard Schröder there as chancellor of Germany. Tells you how old the book and it's still a good read.

Finishing up the evening with a movie - the newish "Sherlock Holmes". Soundtrack is fabulous.

Will drive to work tomorrow. The schools are back so will see how busy the roads are. I started the yoga class, work has organised for us as part our "Health and Well-being"-month which means it's free and it only runs for five weeks. I bought a yogamat on Sunday. I enjoyed the last class we had on Tuesday, 21st August. Was a bit odd, but the stretching did me good as well as the breathing exercises.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Samstag, 25. August 2012

25th August 2012 - My MeDay!

I got so excited yesterday that I spent some time on the TCD website. I printed the invoice and gave it to the HR department as they are picking up the bill initially. Felt like jumping around - I have the feeling this is going to be so great. I love new stuff!!! Might actually go to Eason's or Read's and have a look at IT books, just for the sake of it.

This morning, I spent some time reading stuff on the internet as I am trying to configure our WiFi. It seems that I loose connection in my bedroom, especially on my mobile phone. I spoke to a friend of my housemate recently on the train. He is an IT expert and recommended a few things to me. Now I am bit too nervous about implementing the changes. This is where I feel I lack the skills I hope to gain through studying at TCD. Makes me feel like a newbie - before I know the laptop is either going to explode or the WiFi stops working all together. Don't want to be in that position again. Noooooo!!! Men love their cars, but ... hell .. don't take their WiFi away from their laptops. They go nuts (just my own option, hehe)!

Got my WiFi signal back on the mobile phone now that I am sitting downstairs, having a cup of coffee and going through the pictures I took with my mobile phone. Have a mentioned that I love my phone? I LOVE IT!!! It's a great gadget. After installing "MyPhoneExplorer" I am such a happy person. Feel the geek / nerd coming through.

Furthermore, I started playing Mass Effect again. Finished the whole triology a few weeks ago with the original Sheperd character, now I have created my own female version. Pretty happy with her but I have already started turning into a mean person. Just interested what else the game holds if you stop being nice to everyone. Some dialogues are already pretty interesting. Have to say, I think it's actually the best one of the whole series - I have a slight idea why that's the case but I think I will keep this to myself. Others will possibly know WHY that is. Play it yourself and you will see.

Finally finished downloading the pictures so here are few to look at:

Me in Charlesfort, Kinsale, Co. Cork

This is a picture of Kinsale, Co. Cork. It's such a pretty place.
I bought a nice bracelet in the shop on the left - Stone Mad Gallery.
Checked her out on the internet but you cannot order online. Her webpage does not work.
Such a pity. Her stuff is gorgous. Have to travel to Cork now if I want more of her jewellery.

My friend and me in the Guinness Brewery. It costs €16.50 to get in but a least you get a pint and half with that. Was fun to draw your own pint. Never thought the harp on the glass was so important.

Blarney Castle, Blarney, Co. Cork
We actually kissed the stone - and I ended up with a coldsore.

I could continue uploading pictures. Fair play to Google to get their Blogger software up to speed and it's much easier to use. I download the Blogger App on my phone as well so I can post on the go. Much easier than it used to be. Encourages me to continue blogging.

Please leave me some comments. That would be very much appreciated!!!

Saw this cat in Kinsale, Co. Cork (If you haven't heard yet, Kinsale is such a pretty place!)
Thank you, kitty, for holding still.

Comments please!!!

Donnerstag, 23. August 2012

23rd August 2012 - Got accepted!!!

Just checked my emails and saw that I got a registration email from Trinity College with my student ID. This is so exciting!!!

Had a good day today despite the fact I overslept. Didn't hear the alarm going off but I kept my cool. I didn't panic and just took the day how it came. That never has been case. There was no sense in it. I just used to get upset about it and stressed but I decided that's my old self.

Weather was weird. Meant to drive into work but took the train instead. Having dinner tonight in Stoops. Gorgeous as always.

Mittwoch, 22. August 2012

22nd August 2012 - I decided to write a new blog

I've decided to work on a new blog. It took me a while to find a nice theme, so I put a bit of work into it.

This blog is dedicated to my friends who mainly complaint that the other one was out of date and the life I am embarking on. College is coming up and I have a lot of things to sort out in the coming months. A new blog will help me to reflect on anything that will come up.

Please drop me comments - don't care about the language. I try my best to answer everything.