
Sonntag, 14. April 2013

14th April 2013 - Sorry for not posting an update

I know that this is very bad behaviour but I had my reasons. College is just washing over me. Exams are around the corner and I only posted my last assignment a few minutes ago. I am just tired, exhausted and I have another 3 weeks to go.

I've spent the last few hours in the library, learning about Greiner and Mintzberg organisational models and there is actual smoke coming out of my ears. I am sick and tired of my laptop, kinda start hating it even. Would love to through out my laptop and bang my head against the wall, I am so sick of starring at a computer screen.

First exam is on Monday 29th April: Information Systems - all this general stuff about inputs and outputs and hardware and software and supply chain management and system types and bla bla bla. Hope my lecturer is not reading this. Not that I didn't like his subject, it's just so much stuff to squeeze into my brain. At least I am sleeping like a baby at the moment. 11pm comes around and fall asleep like a stone and don't wake up before the either the alarm goes off or the sun is high up -- as it's the case on weekends.

I sent an email to my class asking them for things that motivitate them to keep studying. A few good things have come through. It's less a lack of motivation on my side, it's more that I just too tired to look at a book and my right hand actually hurts from writing notes. No clue how to survive TWELVE hours of writing exams. At least it's over soon. Two weeks of exams and the two longest ones of them (three hours each) are in the first week.

At least it's over in four weeks and the assignments are off my back. Will watch a bit of Netflix, just to distract me.

Sorry, really had to rant about this. I am so tired ...