We went out for a few drinks in the Olde Punchbowl again and then got a taxi to go to the IFSC. I took a lovely shot of the Dublin sky when we crossed the bridge.
Dublin City Centre, at around 7:30pm local time.
It looks so pretty.
We then crossed the road and got to the IFSC, at the Cheque Building. We had decided to get to the tent section but were put off when we saw the queue and the amount of people that were already in.
This area of the IFSC is actually covered by water but every time we have something there, they somehow pump it empty and cover it up. Then the people come in and build everything up.
We stayed outside, got beer and got something I haven't eaten in a good while - a German Bratwurst and ...
Muzen!!! Or Schmalzkuchen as they were sold as. Most people selling food were Germans which was very helpful after a few beers. Stephen was so nice to keep his hand still so that I could take a decent picture of them. The guys were a bit surprised with all the icing sugar. The guy who sold them to me put a few into the paper bag, put the icing sugar on top, put more Muzen in and finished with even more icing sugar. They were hot and tasted delicious, like homemade and they were fresh!!!
One thing was a bit odd though:
Not quite sure what Chorizo has to do with the Oktoberfest. And they weren't even the real deal. Miquel, a Spanish colleague of mine who joined us, had a look and just choked his head. Well, I was happier with my Bratwurst anyway.
We had a very nice evening. I couldn't drive home so I had to leave the car at the station. I was just delighted to see that it was still there when I went for my train into train this morning.
I did a bit of shopping today. I took a later train than intended as I got to bed pretty late. Today was the first time I got a real bargain with my student card:
Got 15% off my new boots. instead of €55 I only paid €46.75. Was very delighted with myself and I can even wear thick socks in them and the thick sole will be good against the Irish rainy weather.
Going to watch TV now. The gym made my legs really rubbery. I really enjoyed the machines in the gym. They are a bit more advanced and there is more choice. Today was the first time I could actually make good use of them. Will go to bed early today.
Liebe Nadine,
AntwortenLöschenhast Du gut gemacht dir diese schönen Stiefel zukaufen.
Nur mit warmen Füssen und trocknen geht es sich besser
durch das Leben.
Es hat in Irland Vorteile eine Studentenausweis zu besitzen.
vgl Opa
Ja und wie warm die sind - das glaubt man nicht. Richtig heiße Füße drin bekommen und dabei sind die gar nicht so sehr gefüttert. Danke für die lieben Kommentare, freut mich immer, wenn jemand schreibt.